Times New Yoman

Times new yoman is a personal instagram project started during 2019, right in between the visual experimentation and the meme kind of humor. Every week we pick a theme and we create 3 different posters relating to that, aiming to 3 different approaches and ways to interpretate (both conceptually and visually) the same thing. We really believe that irony is key during the creative process but we don’t dig the classic ‘graphic designer humor’ based on jpg logos and comics sans puns. We also use this format to occasionally take a stand about political and ethical issues.

After the experience of Allora Praticamentw (una mostra sui meme) in September 2021 in Torino, the virtual exhibiton further expands its content and makes it accessible to a broader audience. The exhibition, gathering in a selection of 150 posters times.new.yoman’s work from the past years, is browsable by the users that can freely explore its spaces. The structure of the website draws from patterns commonly used in first-person videogames, inheriting controls and interactions from them. Unlike the instagram feed where all the posters are displayed chronologically, every experience in this virtual showroom will be unique as the environment will be randomly generated time after time.

Times New Yoman has been featured on Frizzi Frizzi; read the article here.
Follow Times New Yoman on instagram here.
Check the website here.