Utah Jazz Playoff

Utah Jazz
design + analog animation

We have teamed with Amigo Total and worked on Utah Jazz players’ presentations for 2021 NBA playoffs. We aimed to create eight distinct five-second videos that can stand alone, be looped, or played consecutively, our vision was to mix digital and analog aesthetics to create a reimagined version of this NBA staple.

final video
scan animation
Utah Jazz scan animation
scan animation
Utah Jazz scan animation

We took pictures and videos of Utah Jazz players and distorted them with both digital and analog techniques. We extraced some frames, printed and then scanned them again with a some magic touch added. The result is a unique glitch effect with a strong analog taste (and a scanner covered in fingerprints).

styleframes and look development
Utah Jazz Styleframes
videos in use
players presentations reel
Utah Jazz styleframes
scan animation
Utah Jazz Favors scan animation
scan animation
Utah Jazz oneale game scan animation
  • Direction and production

    Amigo Total

  • VP Creative

    David Young

  • Creative Direction

    Chris Georg

  • Art Direction

    Dan McKinney

  • Direction

    Pol Solà

  • Project Management

    Victoria Ventura

  • Design

    Pol Solà, NewTab Studio, Tyler Andrews

  • 2D Animation

    Pol Solà, Eduardo Altarriba

  • 3D Animation

    Raül Peix

  • Editor

    Kevin Robbins